Brand : Communications : Content

We work with private, public and third sector organisations on their brand, comms and content. We cover strategy, planning and tooling them up for everyday delivery.

They usually choose to work with us because they want an experienced team without the costs of an agency.

Brand: If you’re not clear on who you are, no-one else will be.

Communications: Everyone loves a good story.

Content: Bringing it all to life.

How we work

We’re three experienced, independent communications professionals who’ve also run businesses ourselves, so we understand the challenges. We’ve worked together on and off for the best part of 25 years because we share the same values, commitment to quality and sense of humour.

Working as a team of independent consultants, we build a team for each project by working with you to scope out what you need. It’s about the right combination of experience and expertise, with depth of research for the project. Applying more brains to a challenge usually equals better work!

If we need different skills, we have great, long-established working relationships with fellow professionals in design, animation, photography, digital, film and more.

Annabel Lloyd

Matt Appleby

Amanda Bunn

Can we help you?

The best way we can answer that is to have a chat. Drop us a line to arrange a time that works for you and we’ll arrange that. In the meantime, it may be helpful to see how some of our client conversations have started:

“We’ve grown really quickly and lost sight of what’s important to us”

“We need to refresh our brand/comms strategy/website

“We just don’t sound like us any more”

“We don’t have senior / board comms representation and could do with some strategic advice”

“We’ve gone through huge changes and I’m not sure we’re taking people with us”

“We’ve got a new five-year strategy and need to communicate it“


Amanda: 07801 649050
Annabel: 07958 533843
Matt: 07970 475479

Matt Appleby Consulting Ltd
Registered in the UK. Registered Company number: 12227057. Registered address: 4 Werfa Street, Cardiff CF23 5EW
VAT reg no: 436619674

Lloyd PR Ltd
Registered in the UK. Registered Company number: 13032566. Registered address: Bevan Buckland LLP, Cardigan House, Castle Court, Swansea Enterprise Park, Swansea SA7 9LA
VAT reg no: 401 3706 46

Amanda Bunn PR & Communications
1 Keyes Avenue, Cardiff CF23 5QQ